• Question: When will the next scientific discovery happen? e.g. discovery of medicine or Discovery of gravity

    Asked by MarriedAnElephant420 to Dimitar on 11 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Dimitar Shterionov

      Dimitar Shterionov answered on 11 Nov 2018:

      I think the next discovery will be the so called singularity. That is the point where machine and human will reach the same level of capabilities and will either converge or completely diverge. Mainly the general believe is that computers will become so intelligent that they will be able to upgrade themselves without human intervention. Due to the speed of computers to perform calculations these upgrades will come very fast and allow computers to become super intelligent, surpassing human intelligence.

      In a recent interview the director of engineering at Google suggested that in 2029 computers will be able to pass the Turing test (this test is a simple question and answer game where one human player is asking questions to another player who can be either a machine or a human; if at the end of the game the first play thinks that the second player is a human, while it was a machine then the Turing test is passed.) And then in 2045 the singularity will come.

      Having said that, the singularity can be either a point where human and computers will become one (like instead of having your phone in your hand you will have all technology in your body and be able to access information much faster) or when the two will part. In the second case this means that machines and humans will simply coexist as different beings.
